Have you realized how great and essential are wicker baskets? They help to keep everything at home in the right place! They are great storage devices as well as looking very pretty scattered around the house. The beauty of wicker baskets never really ever stop. People just love the idea of decorating their homes with lots of different types of wicker baskets, from small ones to big ones to ones that serve practical purposes like wicker laundry baskets or even wicker storage baskets. These types of baskets are very lightweight, extremely portable and offer great storage. They are quite inexpensive (that would depend on the size) and you can find them fairly easily in lots of different types of stores. Generally, wicker baskets are round, others come in the shape of a box and provide more storage options. Many homeowners use the baskets to display beautiful floral arrangements but the beauty of wicker baskets if they have plenty of other decorative usages. Different types of baskets would look amazing in your bathroom. Try blue flowers in a wide basket to add some color and style to the bathroom decor. They are a great option for decorative purposes in this room, and great for storing soaps, towels, etc. Why not use small wicker baskets to place potpourri in them or toilet paper or even napkins? Place your small baskets in high shelves for a great look; you can also place in them all your beauty items like your makeup or any makeup tips, lotions and creams. In the bedroom, white wicker baskets usually look fantastic. You can use them in a variety of ways, for example, to store your jewelry and/or perfumes. A large wicker basket will serve you to store your sewing materials and anything that needs to be done like socks, sheets, jumpers, and cardigans. You can use your baskets in the nursery to put in your wet-wipes, first aid supplies and any baby items you might need to store. Small; toys and school supplies like pencils, pens, notepads, and books could be “nicely hidden” inside a nice wicker basket. You can also use them in your dining or living room. They can make great television stands and give your home that country look. Use your wicker baskets to display nice flower arrangements and place near the fireplace for a romantic and cozy feel. In the kitchen, there are always corners that could be used to display ornaments. Place a wicker basket there with your spices to add to that rustic-style look. If you are into crafts, you can then buy cheap wicker baskets and decorate them yourself. Check-in your basement or garage, it is possible that you have put away baskets in the past and now is the time to get decorating them! You can use many elements to do this: acrylic paints, varnish, brushes, etc. You can achieve really good results as well as adding to your existing home decoration by giving that old wicker basket a fantastic new look.